30 April 2007

Je suis un lapin

Wow, it has not warmed up at all today. Not much natural sunlight to take pictures in either. I finished the bunny. He is so very soft. I didn't follow the pattern exactly. I wanted to make him stripy and with floppy ears. I enjoyed knitting something other then a scarf and I guess I like how he turned out.

I also started making these 'baby announcement' cards. I was so excited when I woke up at 4am and thought of this idea. But I don't know about how they look now that I have made a few. It is that old side of the fist trick, dipped in fabric paint, pressed on fabric and then sewed onto a card. Does it look like a babies foot to you? That is the point I was trying to get across. Speaking of babies feet, the novelty of getting kicked in the stomach 80 times a day has warn off.

27 April 2007

Last night, I had a baby shower with some friends. We went to my favorite Indian restaurant. It was so nice to go out and be social, I enjoyed it so much. Amongst the good conversation and yummy food, I/baby got given some amazing hand made gifts. I was very touched and felt loved. But the best gift given was...a box of condoms(not pictured). Like Melissa, I too went home so full and had a really hard time sleeping.

26 April 2007

loved and not so loved

Yesterday was ANZAC day and we went to a friends bbq. I think we all ate way to much food for lunch and then continued to stuff ourselves full of cakes. It was a beautiful sunny day, a good one to spend with friends. Needless to say, no crafting yesterday. I thought I might share a few things about my house. Well, one thing I love and another...ah.. not so much loved thing.

We live in an old renevated villa. They kept all the old doors and moldings on the inside of the house. And I am pleased to say they kept the ones on the outside too. I love the front of our house, but we don't spend a single moment out here. The reason being that it is a very busy street and there is no privacy. We often wake up to beer cans and rubbish thrown over the fence on Sunday mornings. I still would like to put some planters and maby a bench out there because at the moment , it doesn't even look like anyone lives here. Whenever I move into a place, I always think 'if I owned it, I would do', well in this case it would be planting a lot of tall trees in the front.

One thing that is not so loved, these curtains! They are so hideous. Luckily, for the rest of the house, we have been able to find decent looking curtains and these are just in the spare room. It is one of those things I am always looking for second hand.

24 April 2007

another day

As promised, here are a few pictures from the 'Loop-d-Loop' knitting book by Teva Durnham. Not only are the knitting projects a little on the odd side, but the pictures are as well. I love it. I've had enough of the fuzzy pictures of pasty children in pastel coloured knits. I really like this scarf, but the pattern is so confusing, I don't think I should attempt it. And how about this guy, not something you see everyday.

And here is my finished robe. I do like how it has turned out and it has served it's purpose for the cold Autumn mornings. I am now working on knitting up the velvet bunny, I will post about that soon.

How is it I had months of no motivation to do anything productive with my hands, no inspirational ideas and absolutely not a single drop of creative blood running through my veins, and now all of a sudden I have a million things I want to do and just have to get done before this baby is born?! I guess it's part of that whole nesting thing. I've got it bad, sometimes cleaning the house at 2 am. The littlest things bug me, like when Matt puts the hand towel back on the rack crooked. And I've got a box of perfectly good dishes I am about to take to the op shop because they have small chips in them. Ridiculous.
I just wanted to thank everyone who visits my blog and to the comments you have all made. Rachael, I have discovered reruns of Beverly hills 90210 and Melrose Place on in the afternoons which has become a guilty pleasure in these last few weeks

20 April 2007

i'm so bored

I know that I should be enjoying this quiet time because it will never be like this again, but I am really bored. I try filling my days with doing crafty bits and doing things that I have been wanting to get around to. But all day, my mind is filled with thoughts: like what is my labour going to be like, am I in labour now, oh my god, I still don't have a baby bath!! Which really doesn't matter, cause the bubs will most likely end up just getting washed in the kitchen sink, but my point is that I think I am over spending so much time with myself.

I made it to the library today and got a few knitting books. One has the most amazing photographs for a knitting book, I'll have to post some pics of it next time. I thought I would attempt this cute bunny found in a book by Erika Knights. I have been wanting to knit a soft toy for a while and am happy I finally found a good pattern. Although, I am not so sure about those eyes, maby buttons would be better.

I also had my weekly trip to the op shop. They had a $2 fill a bag sale, which I would love to take advantage of, but the big belly thing always discourages me from looking at clothes because I usually can't find any that fit. But I did find this beautiful brightly colored baby sling. It is in very good condition and you just can't go wrong when something is only $2.

17 April 2007

in the making

I started making this robe/dressing gown last week. I have wanted to make one since
going to the Mapua Easter Fair and seeing some made with really beautiful fabrics. And then I found this green apple set of sheets at the op shop and I new I had to attempt the robe. I have not used a pattern, which I know is stupid. I seem to just wing it when it comes to sewing, but most of the time it doesn't work out. To my surprise, this did work out. I have lined it with green flannel for those cold nights I will be getting up to tend to baby. And now I just have to ad the finishing touches such as pockets and cuffs. I have to say I am proud of myself.
Another thing I attempted last week was knitting a cable. I always found the idea quite daunting, but actually found it was way easier then it looks. Just a matter of following the instructions. The only problem here was that I knew I was going to run out of wool, so I had to make this poncho shawl thingy very short. Turns out the only thing I like about it are the buttons. Oh well, at least I learned a new knitting skill. I must go and eat a snack now. I have been craving popcorn ever since I walked by the movie theatre yesterday.

13 April 2007

shoes and cats

Well, we opened the gifts last night. Matt wanted to wait until the bubs was born, but there is no way I could have done that. There were so many wonderful things(to many to picture) but my favorite are these little leather moccasins. They have a soft felt inside and are tide up with the sweetest green ribbons.

We have had quite the regular visitor lately, sometimes at six am. He comes over and meows(I can hear him right now) at our door like he belongs to us and we need to let him in for a feed. We are pretty sure he belongs to our neighbor. Bliss isn't so sure about the cat, she just sits and stairs with wonderment at him out the window.

12 April 2007

feeling loved

I got a knock on the front door today and it was a package sent from family friends in Wyoming. I opened up the box to find a baby shower with in itself! I am so touched. I knew they were sending something, but I had no idea of the extent. The hard part is waiting for Matt to get home so we can open all the gifts together.

Dusty, the matriarch of the family, makes the most beautiful things. She made us this quilt for a wedding gift. You can tell she really puts a lot of time and love into the things she crafts. Matt and I have talked about doing a road trip in the States and visiting them would be a must. They built there own rammed earth home and have an amazing garden. I always remember getting Christmas parcels from them and they would send us the best popcorn from their harvest. I will have to post the open presents tomorrow, I have got a few hours till he gets off work.

10 April 2007


Well, it has been a while! Almost 3 months. My excuse is that things have just been a little crazy and I honestly have not had much interest in crafting. But I finally started getting into the need to make things again. I have a few projects on. One, being a cardigan for the baby, that has taken me way longer then expected and when I went to sew the last bit on, it didn't work out. I have tried to fix it, but I think I need to focus on something else and come back to it later.
The other project was this fabric lantern I sewed up. I had these little bits of beautiful fabric but it wasn't enough to make anything substantial. So I thought I would give this idea a go and it actually turned out okay. I have another one to make that I will post when it's finished. I really wanted to put these over our lights, but I am afraid it might catch fire, so they will just have to be pretty hanging things.
I also started an Etsy shop under the name evesbijoux. I stopped doing the market a while back and I have all this jewellery collecting dust. It is strange not working or doing the market, I am not used to not contributing to the bills. I thought Etsy might be a good way to do that.
I have got a little over 5 weeks left till the baby is 'due'. I am looking forward to having my baby in my arms and not in my body. I guess you could say I have reached the point of being over being pregnant.